Wednesday, May 20, 2009

twist and shout

So today we did an up do. it was the french twist or the elegant version of a beehive. Lets just say its going to be a struggle. Mine looked like a whirl wind of pins and hair. A rats nest would be a nice way of putting it. We have a test on it on monday so i guess I know how my weekend is going to go. I was looking at the job board and there was an opening for Mac makeup. I think that is a good option for when I move back to the states until I can get a break into the movies. It will be good practice. I will see but my teacher worked for them and that is how she got into the movies. One day a she did a girls hair and she said that she did a great job and traded numbers a month later she was doing hair for movies. we will see i guess. :) But I am glad everyone's yard is going well. I think its funny helen keeps Rachel on her toes about the yard. I love people like that it makes me excited to grow old. :) I am jealous that karen is getting her hair cut. I need mine done so bad I might have to break down and get it done. I think I will wait till after my hair class though. I don't need more hair stress.  have a great one. love ya

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...