Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Beautiful Logan

Joseph came over and helped me this evening and it went well. I think he will be a good helper. The front yard looks nice. Rachel and I went to Lowes and got some more flowers for the front. It is shaping up. Joseph also helped me clean the windows. The computer window was so bad. I hope the plants will like all the new light coming through. Tomorrow I am going to out Clifton with Rachel and spending the night. We are going to pick up the baby goats and take them out to her place. I hope that goes OK. We are using the pet carriers that Brandy has. She says they aren't much bigger than cats right now. One is black and the other one is brown and white. I will make sure she posts pictures tomorrow night. On Friday I am going to work 1/2 day and then go down and help grandma and grandpa and hopefully leave around 4:00 for St. George. It will be nice to spend some more time with Karen. The weather is suppose to be perfect for hiking. We should be able to see a lot of the grand canyon. I wasn't able to get a hotel. I waited to long so it won't be as long a time as I had hoped. My bad. I am glad that all is going well with Robin. I just love that 5 minute bun you are learning. I can hardly wait until you can practice on us and make us beautiful.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...