Wednesday, January 11, 2017


We didn't get much snow and it rained a bit.  It was a very pleasant day outside.  I am glad that you have a snow blower Karen.  Today I took the little ones to the fun park while Isaac was at school.  It was fun to get out and Oliver was even happy, it was really nice.  We played out in the snow after lunch.  I shoveled off the trampoline, their was a ton of snow and it was really weighting it down.  I feels good to have it cleared off.  Isaac dug a path in the snow and was worried deer would destroy it.  He wanted me to watch it all day to make sure that it was ok, I told him I couldn't do it.  Isaac loves his slippers, he put them on after we came in from the snow.  They were cute.  Isaac had martial arts and I think it went good.  He was hungry so he just went for a hour.  I had a relief society thing tonight and it was fun to visit.  My old ward is the smallest group and I bet 60% are retired people.  I finished the orange quilt, Karen bought me at the quilt fair I think two years ago.  I didn't mark the quilting and I think it turned out pretty good, it isn't amazing.  It looks like you are getting 4" tomorrow Karen, good luck.


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