Monday, January 5, 2015

I did it

I made it back to work.  It was so busy today.  I am already behind again.  I need to have another holiday :)  Rachel, I am sorry you didn't get any sleep.  That doesn't help your arm feel better.  I am so sorry.  I am glad that Casey and Nate had a good time skiing.  It was really warm here today.  Karen good luck with your insurance decision.  I think the traditional is the way to go.  I will firm up that decision on Saturday.  Robin on Saturday Rachel and I are going to the open house at Quilt's etc and Karen and Grandpa are babysitting.  Do you want to go with us?  We can either go out to lunch or dinner.  I am very flexible.  Dad can also help Walter get that virtual stuff on his computer.  He has it all figured out.  Well have a great Tuesday.  For a group building exercise we are going to the Mystery Puzzle Room at the Gateway mall tomorrow afternoon.  I had to pay my own way but I thought it would be fun and I could check it out.  Wish me luck that I can figure out the puzzle.  LOVE MOM

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