Sunday, January 4, 2015

Back to the real world

I am back to the real world tomorrow.  I am not looking forward to that.  I have had a good time off.  Rachel that is scary about your arm.  I hope you get feeling better.  Karen I love bacon.  That sounded good.  Robin, I am sorry you were bored.  That is weird they don't keep you busier.  We had a really quiet day.  We watched the new Dr. Martin season and it was the best one.  I really enjoyed it.  They had the new Jack Ryan show on Netflix and watched that one.  We really vegged today.  Everyone have a good Monday.  I hope Casey and Nate have a good time skiing.  It is suppose to get to almost 40 tomorrow.  It might not be that great of snow.  I think that is so cute that Isaac is a CTR Boy.  He is so cute.  I hope Oliver gets feeling better.  Robin did you and Walter pick a day yet when we can celebrate his birthday?  I was sure if you wanted to do it before or after.  LOVE MOM

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