Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Beautiful Day

I am sorry Robin, hang in their.  You are an amazing person.  Karen I am glad that you are busy.  That sounds like a lot of meeting, good luck.  Mom I hope that the mystery puzzle room was awesome.  I am jealous you get to do that, that sounds fun.  Today was so pretty outside.  We played in the front for a while and it was fun.  After lunch Jenn came and sewed, we haven't sewn since before Christmas and it was fun.  The time went fast.  While we were sewing the fence by the grapes had fallen down so Casey and Isaac went out to see what they could do.  It needs a new post so we will have to fix it in the spring.  Isaac saw the grill and wanted a grilled hot dog.  We were out of propane so Casey went and got some and grilled him a hot dog which he didn't eat because it was kind of black on the outside.  Then we went and visited Grandpa Randy.  Isaac is really excited to go fishing this spring.  Casey had scouts tonight also.  Everyone sleep well and have a good day tomorrow.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...