Sunday, June 21, 2015


Today was good I didn't have to work which was nice. I cleaned my place. It was in dire need. The. I went and bought some shoes for walter. I get them at cost so it was  cheap. After I went over to mom and dad's for a bit. I wanted to give dad his present. While I was there walter called
So I met up with him and we went to dinner. This Halloween at work we decided to be alice in wonderland charaters. I told them i would make the door nob that talks. So I started on that tonight. I just put the first layer of gesso on. It needs like 5 more coats the I will paint it. But I put a beginning photo of where I got to tonight. Have a good weekend. I'm excited for Friday


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 Sorry I didn't blog last night.  I mentally wrote a blog post but never physically did it.  Yesterday was good.  It was the last day of...