Monday, June 22, 2015


Today we took dad's jeep in because white air kept coming out of the vents.  It is a leak and they are going to fix it and it will be ready on Thursday.  I like this car mechanic.  He is nice.  Then we went to work and dad had a doctor's appointment.  It was his arthritis doctor.  They gave him a cortisone shot in his shoulder. I am hoping that will make it feel a lot better.  It has really been bothering him.  They don't think it is a RA flare up so I think that is good.  Karen I can glue it you want me too.  :)  Rachel that is a long day in Clifton.  Robin, That is an amazing likeness of the door handle man.  You are so gifted.  Not much else to report here other than it is hot but I am sure you already know that.  LOVE MOM

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