Thursday, November 16, 2017


I forgot to blog last night that Casey had another job interview tomorrow for a different place, it is exciting.  He is going to call in and just stay home tomorrow.  Ruthie didn't sleep well/at all last night so I was tired today.  I woke her up this morning and am sticking to her schedule, I am hoping that will help her sleep better at night.  I cut the boys hair yesterday and I did it too short on the side so Isaac let me blend it better this morning, it looks ok.  After we dropped Isaac off we walked around Joanns just to get out a bit.  Oliver had school this afternoon and his teacher says he is doing really good and has made a friend.  Isaac had a fun day at school, he took hot lunch but didn't like it so he was starving when he got home.  It is Randy's birthday today we took everyone out to dinner, we went to a new place that was pretty good Bullshead up on campus.  It is Mexican and really good.  It has rained most of the day here, it is gloomy.  I am sorry everyone's jobs are stressful, hopefully it will get better soon.  That will be fun to have everyone up this weekend, thanks guys.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...