Wednesday, November 15, 2017


Well today they announced we get a 375.00 bonus.  I will get it on black Friday.  I was pretty excited.  I didn't think we would get one this year.  Work is still drama but I have decided to just go with it.  One of the guys I work with wife is a pharmacist at a complex care clinic and they came in the other day and said they were closing in the clinic in February and to find everyone a new place to get care.  That really bothered me.  They said they weren't going to change anything medical.  So it is anyones guess what is going to happen.  They were teasing at lunch that we are going to get transferred to St. George and we will get an apartment during the week to share and call it One Apartment.  Robin, I am so glad that things are going better.  If you need anything we aren't far.  We are going to Logan on Saturday if you want to ride along.  Karen that is sweet you finally got your tooth.  That is a big step forward.  Rachel, you are one busy lady.  I love the inventing room.  That just makes me laugh.  I love the way Ruth plays with her baby.  She is growing up way to fast.  We went to the new Winco tonight to check it out and if you bought 50 dollars worth of food you got a free turkey.  I called Julie to see if she wanted it.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...