Sunday, May 15, 2022

We are back

 I love you kitchen Karen.  It looks a lot less cluttered.  Good job.  We made it back home today.  We had a good time but nothing worked out the way we wanted.  We made it down Thursday and just car camped.  Their were coyotes down in a gully and they were driving Tony crazy so he didn't sleep.  The next day we wanted to backpack down to the dirty devil river but we could not find the right place.  We drove most of the day.  We found house shoe canyon but it is part of canyon land so we could take Tony there.  We had lunch and found another place to hike around.  Oliver fell down and scraped his elbow.  The kids really wanted to backpack so we stopped and backpack for a while to a river bed were we camped.  That was a lot of fun.  Oliver found parts of an old wagon and thought it was awesome.  Saturday we thought we could drive towards lake Powell so the kids could play in some water.  We found a hike called hog springs.  It was a lot of fun and the kids were able to play in the water for a while.  We drove to the Colorado river and it was so pretty.  We drove back up and saw gobelin valley.  The kids love that and we had a fun time hiking there.  We backpacked in the mountains next to it and camped there.  We got up Sunday and headed home.  We stopped and had lunch with Mom and Dad.  It was really nice and a wonderful break from driving.  We are all sad to get to real life.  It was really nice to get away from it all.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...