Thursday, August 1, 2019

Weird week

I am having a weird week.  First I didn't have an appointment set up for Monday when I was suppose to with the doctor and tonight I waited an hour for Kay and Julie at the fashion place mall and they went to the Valley Fair.  I think that is spooking me a little bit  Put me away when I have totally lost it. It really upset me both times. I worked my lunch hour so I wouldn't be late this time and brought them each a diamond picture to make. There was some good news however.  I met up with dad and we got him his new computer.  I am pretty excited about it.  He is having fun setting it up.  I also went back to Barnes and Nobles to see if they had new discounted books and I walked into the movie section and they had a whole wall of them.  I scored.  Potty treats are going to be amazing is all I have to say.  You may have to finish up the other bathroom soon because they will have to be going potty all the time.  :)  I am glad that tomorrow is Friday.  We are going to Logan on Saturday to help with the Van.  Next week at this time I will sitting on the deck of the cabin.  That will be neat.  The highs are in the low 70s.  I have been watching Yellowstone weather and it is looking really good.  LOVE MOM

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