Tuesday, October 3, 2023


It was super cold and dark today.  At work my team lead is quiting and her last day is in two weeks.  It is sad and she knows so much it will be hard with her gone.  I worked on step by step photos again today.  I have a like 60 more to do and Klies has the next two weeks off to visit her daughter who is having a baby which is exciting.  Ruth had tumbling and we were really late because she made a involved snack.  I got the second row sewn on my class quilt.  The third row she cuts off three squares at the bottom.  I think because their isn't enough fabric but I am going to try to use the whole panel.  I hate to cut off the bottom off.  Me and Ruth made cute ghost sucker toppers also.  Casey ran to the store on his way home and we worked on the kitchen for a while.

Love Rachel

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