Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Half way

Well the week is half over. It is suppose to be nice this weekend. The highs are only going to be in the 80's so that will be nice to be under 90 degrees for awhile. Work was kind of slow today, but I am getting use it to. Robin one of these times the fire alarm is going to go off for real and no one there is going to take it seriously. I am sorry that it keeps going off so early, but at least you won't sleep in and miss class. They wouldn't let me get my cholesterol medication when i went to get my insulin prescription filled. Apparently it was too soon for that. It is going to be a pain to go back and pick it up. It would just be too convenient to let me pick it up all at once. Oh well what can you go. Well I will keep my fingers cross that your fire alarm doesn't go off tomorrow for you Robin. Love ya all BYE

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...