Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Congratulations on getting paid Mom, that is fun.  I like going to the festival of trees, just don't read any of the stories, it does get really really depressing.  You have been really busy at work Karen, I hope that it is a good busy.  Ruthie and Isaac have a cold.  Ruthie has a hard time sleeping because she can't breath through her nose.  Yesterday Isaac was complaining about being tired and he laid on his bed for an hour which isn't like him.  Then at midnight he had a fever and he said that he felt awful.  So I kept him home today and let him sleep in and just take it easy.  We were doing homework and coloring and he got really cold so we went downstairs and covered him up and he had another fever.  Casey brought home A&W for dinner for him.  The medicing kicked in and he was fine again.  It was kind of nice to have a lazy day.  I cleaned up a lot and the kids rested and were happy.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...