Monday, January 10, 2022


That is interesting about your power Karen.  Where was the leak at?  That is a long time to be without power.  Luna is cute and is getting a lot of hair.  The covid testing line went from the specialty hospital all the way to our house this morning.  It was hard getting out of our house.  I walk this morning and it was cold.  Oliver had a cough so we kept him home today.  I still went to exercise class and Ruth and Oliver stayed home which may not of been the best parenting move.  We cleaned Ruth's and Oliver's room.  It feels so much better.  Ruth wants to have a birthday party with her class so we handed out invitations today.  She is excited.  Oliver wanted a hamburger so I got him one.  Isaac had orchestra and basketball practice tonight.  He was busy and didn't get a lot of homework done.  The dinosaur origami book came today thank you again.  I also finished quilting my Christmas quilt.  It will be good for next year.

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