Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Happy birthday

 I can't believe she is three. Time goes to fast. I am glad she had a good day. I got up and went grocery shopping and then mowed the lawn. It got to hot so I didn't sweep afterwards I will do that tomorrow. It is suppose to cool down. I am glad you had a fun day Rachel. Just two more days and then you can play for a couple of weeks. You need that. We are meeting the gumm gang tomorrow for lunch at jordan landing. That should be fun. It is suppose to be cooler tomorrow. Love mom

Happy birthday

 I am glad that Luna has a good birthday.  She is so cute.  I hope you have a good birthday tomorrow Mom.  Work went well this morning, the kids are so cute.  I like the smaller groups.  I listened to the Tarzan Broadway musical most of the day, I am obsessed now.  The kids got their allowance and they wanted to go to the toy store so we did that.  Ruth got a Lego, Oliver got a stuffed animals and Isaac got gravitracks. I signed the little kids up for a craft at the library.  They made pan flutes and a tambourine.  Oliver's friend came and he had fun.  We did Legos and crafts when we got home.  I went to exercise class this evening.  It was the same class I went to on Saturday and she did all the same songs.  It was fun.  We weeded the garden and it is looking really good.  Ruth got a net for her stuffed animals and hung it up in her bed.  It is crazy.  On Monday I went in her room and she had all her clothes laid out and labeled for what day she was going to wear it.  It was cute 

Love Rachel 

Happy Birthday Luna

 I am glad that Luna had a good. My day was pretty good. Work is moving along. After work I had a headache so we didn't go to the gym. I think it is just allergies. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye

Lunas birthday

It's officially Lunas birthday. Everyone at daycare was really cute with her. Thanks everyone for calling and talking with her. She misses everyone alot. We went out to cold stone after dinner. It was so hot today. But it's way better than freezing and snow so I'll take it. 


Monday, June 24, 2024


 We had a fun day.  School went well this morning, I can't believe it is the last week.  The little kids had the summer primary party and Isaac went to his friend's birthday party.  They all had a really good time.  The primary got a water slide and the bubbles and the kids loved it.  Isaac was hired to water flowers so we met with her and he saw what to do.  We went to the library to get new books.  Casey went caving in Logan canyon and I took the kids to Tarzan the musical.  It was so amazing and I love it so much.  Everyone was so talented.  

Love Rachel 


 I had a quiet day. I cleaned and worked on my diamond art. I also pulled weeds in my flower garden. They are so beautiful. Tomorrow I am going to work on the garden area. We went to they gym and I rowed for awhile. I need to work on upper body strength. I miss the kids. Thanks again for the fun time. I bought new sheets for the bunk beds they are getting old. Hope Luna has a fun time at school for her real birthday. Love you all mom


 My day was good. It was super hot outside though. Work is busy so it goes by pretty quick. After work we went to the gym. We haven't been since I got my tooth pulled so I didn't last as long. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye 


Today was alright. I didn't want to work so it made for a long day. After work we had dinner and Luna did my makeup and nails. Jeramys mom gave her flower clips for her hair so we put those in and she loved them. I bout more weed trim line so Jeramy put Luna down and I worked on the yard. It was looking really rough around the edges. I only finished the front so I will have to finish the back later.


Sunday, June 23, 2024


 Sorry it is late, I lost track of time.  I would just pin the minky really well because it slips easy.  It is a mess to work with and their isn't much you can do about it.  Vacuuming after cleans it up pretty well.  We had a really fun time also.  The kids had so much fun spending the week there and are really happy today.  Casey worked on the computers today and got them all working.  The kids were so excited to do their Legos they did them first thing.  Ruth talked and talked about her Mario and Luigi Legos.  We went to Church and Ruth gave a talk in primary and looked so grown up.  We went to Randy's and made s'mores.  Casey wanted to run home so we brought Tony.  We walked to the park and it was so fun having Tony.  I brought a ball and we were throwing it in the canal and he loved being in the water.  It was fun.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel 


 I am glad Luna had a fun birthday. We did play and play. Thank you for the nice dinner you made Robin on Friday. I want to thank everyone for saturday. What a fun day i had with everyone together. We had a quiet day today. We ran a few errands and then the Internet went out. We tried to go to the gym but it was closed so we came home and cut out the animals we bought at the quilt fair. There was fur everywhere. It was a mess. Everything is cut out. Rachel is there a trick to sewing it? I hope the kids got some rest. Love you all mom


 I am glad Luna had a good birthday. It was fun hanging out yesterday. Today was good. We went to Arby's for lunch and then went to Target. We got some bandaids because I only had three left. Me and mom also pulled out the stuffed animals We got at the quilt show and cut them out. We did lose internet about 4 and it didn't come back on til 8. We tried to go to the gym but the close at 5 on Sunday and it was 6 when we got there. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


Thanks again for coming down and playing for Lunas birthday. She had so much fun..she has played and played with all her new toys. She loves them. Jeramys family came over today and we had a good time. After we played more and made brownies . Luna fell asleep early. She didn't take a nap and was tired 

Friday, June 21, 2024


 We did slip and slide this morning and played. Ruth is getting really good at the loom. We made it to Lehi. We went to Walmart and then played. Robin made the best dinner. It was really good. Kids were so tired. They haven't been very active. Luna feel asleep on my lap. We are sleeping outside tonight. We will see everyone at Airborne around 1115. Love mom

Thursday, June 20, 2024


 We have had a fun day. We picked Luna up. Ruth came with us but the boys slept in. We did slip and slide and ran and ran. I think they might need a rubber room. Oliver cut his toe and Luna has a fat lip. We are going to lehi around lunch time tomorrow and spending the night. I hope it doesn't pour rain. I was wondering if jurassic tacos sounded good for lunch. I am really good with anything. Everyone is still awake. Wish me luck getting them to sleep. Love mom


 Things are good here. The power did go out for about an hour this afternoon at work so that was exciting. I came home and hung out with the crew. That was all my excitement. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 I am glad you are having a fun day with them kids.  Thanks for having them.  School went well today.  We are trying to keep it fun for the kids.  I met Casey for lunch and that was fun.  Then I worked on programming and I sewed.  I watched In the Heights while I sewed and that was fun.  Me and Casey went on a run/walk this evening and we had a good time.  Then we went and got some dinner.  Everyone have a good night 

Love Rachel 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


 Good luck planning the party Robin, you always do an amazing job.  Thanks for having the kids Mom.  They are so excited.  I went to exercise class and walked the dog tonight.  The sunset was so pretty.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel 


 We had a nice day. Dad had to go to seer today so he took me to Farmington and I hooked up with Rachel and kids. We had fun. We shopped and then went to lunch. We went to lagoon. It was so busy. We rode a couple rides and then dad came and got me and the kids. We met Karen for dinner and then me and Ruth and Oliver walked the mall. I am going to pick up Luna tomorrow. We are going to have so much fun. It was so nice and cool today. Love mom


 I am jealous you get the rest of the week off Robin. My day was good. Work is moving along. It is still busy, but I am making progress. After work I met the crew at sushi monster for dinner. Then we just came home and hung out. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


I am taking the rest of the week off so it was nice today was my Friday. I am taking Jeramys sister to the doctor and Mom is going to pick up Luna. Luna is about to jump through the roof she is so excited. Hopefully she sleeps ok tonight 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


 That is awesome Robin, congratulations.  Today was really cold and I loved it.  I had to wear a jacket to work this morning.  The kids did well today.  They gave them a really long recess so it made the day go fast.  Isaac had violin lessons and I talked to her about him joining the youth symphony and she is going to work with him and get him ready for tryouts.  Then I thought we needed to take advantage and a cold day and we went to Ryan's place park.  The kids played tag with other kids there and had a fun time.  Casey won a raffle at work for a gift card for panda so we met him there for dinner.  I went to exercise class and we had a sub and did high.  Everyone there were regulars and everyone had a lot of energy so it was fun.  We are excited to meet you tomorrow Mom.

Love Rachel 


At work we had a whole department meeting. At the beginning they had a spotlight for me to thank me.for all I'm doing and they gave me 25 dollars. So that was nice. But still no word.on when I'm officially transferring over. We have a billion cherrys . We need to cut that tree down by half. We are over whelmed . Jeramy worked on the shed a bit and I tried a new recipe for cherry fruit leather. Luna had an upset stomach and spent most of the night pooping. I think she ate to many cherries.



 I went grocery shopping this morning and then work on my diamond gnome. Olivia from my work quit and they had her farewell today. I went and wished her well. She is a good friend. It was strange to be at primary. I am going to meet rachels gang at lagoon tomorrow. I am glad it is cooler. I am going to take the kids home with me and we are going play. I am excited. Love mom


 It was a quieter day at work, but still busy. It was really pretty outside today. I wish it would stay this temp for a few more days. Oh well what can you do. After work we just hung out at home. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, June 17, 2024


 Well it was interesting at my work today. Apparently on Friday there were big wigs meetings. Today they fired an engineer because he was misinforming people about the status of his projects. He would say he had ordered stuff he hadn't and then thing would be late. So I am glad I was off Friday. Other than that I just worked on getting caught up on things. It was windy and chilly today. I am enjoying that because it is supposed to get hot again soon. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


 I got up early to call the dentist. They had an 830 appointment so we rushed to go. I liked him. The crown fell off because the tooth is all decayed. Eventually they will have to pull it but he said just keep it glued together as long as he can. We are going back on the 7th of July for a crown on another tooth.  Looks like it was dentist day. I am glad the kids are doing well. We kind of just took it slow the rest of the day. I did go to smiths with karen to get stuff for her BBQ tomorrow for work. I am sorry Isaac's neck is sore. That can make you so sick to your stomach. Those patches are nice. I am glad they helping. It was super windy here but we did t get any rain. Have a nice Tuesday. Love mom


 The kids were not very cooperative at school today so it wasn't as fun today.  Casey took the kids to the dentist and they are doing good.  Ruth has some cavities that need to be fixed.  Oliver wanted to see Inside out 2 so we went and saw that.  It was fun and the movie was pretty good.  It was raining most of the afternoon.  Casey rode his bike so I drove to pick him up.  I made it to exercise class and it kicked my butt.  Isaac woke up with a sore neck and he called me at work and was so upset.  I had his take some medicine and put ice on it.  A lady at work suggested him take a hot shower and that really helped.  I kept calling when I had time to see if he was ok.  After work I bought him some patches to put on his neck.  Anyway the medicine is helping but he still has a sore neck.

Love Rachel 


It's so windy here. Our trampoline blew over so we tied it to the 4x4 that's by our house. Work is good Luna is wild. It was a pretty basic day. We worked on our shed this weekend. We only have to repair a small portion of the floor so that is really exciting. We are not going to lay cement anymore. Luna was helping so I put some pictures of her

Sunday, June 16, 2024


 Happy father's day to casey and jeramy. We had a quiet day. It was nice. We did walk the mall and that felt nice. I did work on my diamond art. It is fun to do. It is going to be a busy week. I love it. It is tough to go back to the real world. Love you all mom

Happy Father's Day

 Happy Father's Day Dad, I love you and I hope you had a good day.  Today was good.  I got up before the kids and sewed for a bit.  The kids all made Casey a card and they were cute.  They so made cookies.  It is the dinosaur cookies and we have been using almond milk and they still turn out really good.  The primary sung in sacrament meeting and I played.  I get so nervous but it went really good.  Playing in primary went well also.  Casey went up and was working on Kelly's car and we went up after church.  I walked to the park with the kids and they played in the canal for a while.  It wasn't to hot today and it felt good being outside.  

Love Rachel 


 It was a quiet day here. Just hung around home this morning. Then after lunch we went to the mall to walk around. Then just played games and watch movies the rest of the day. Mom did make peas and potatoes with the peas from the garden and it tasted really good. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

Saturday, June 15, 2024


 My day was good. I slept in and then we went to Costco. I took mom and dad out to lunch for father's day. It tasted really good. Then we came home and took a nap. Mom made soup for dinner. After dinner I helped get peas out of the pods. There were a lot of them. I hope everyone has a great Father's day tomorrow. Bye 


 Oliver had a birthday party to go to so we went and got a present and took him to it.  We went Father's day shopping and it was fun.  We mowed the lawn and turned on the water.  Casey worked on the CRV and got a bolt out that he has been struggling with.  Me and the kids rode our bikes to Lee's and got some berries.  Kelly came over and needed help with his car.  Andy was going through his stuff and asked if we wanted it.  He had some nice sleeping bags and amy backpacks that we took.  It was nice of him.

Love Rachel 


 We had a nice day. Dad harvested the peas and pulled them up. I helped for awhile but just went slow. Karen was out of allegra so we went to Costco. She took us out to lunch for father's day. I cut some kale and made zuppa soup for dinner. That is a good recipe. Karen started peeling the peas and I helped her. We got about half of them done. I blanched and froze them. There are a lot.of them. We will finish them up tomorrow. Yell casey and jeramy happy father's day. Love mom

Friday, June 14, 2024


 We made it safe and sound. It was a fun trip. We got home by about 230. I have a couple more pictures below. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye


 Today was flag day and Isaac had to get up early and put out flags for young men's.  Then he had his last day of camp.  They had a parent concert.  They played three songs as a orchestra and then his group played.  They played really well and they dressed to match.  One girl brought flowers and Isaac had it in his pocket.  When they were done playing he threw it into the audience.  It was so funny.  Casey worked from home and I took the kids swimming.  It was so busy but it felt really good to be in the water.  We stayed all afternoon until we had to come home so Isaac could take down the flags.  Casey painted the front pillars and we weeded the garden.  

Love Rachel 

Happy birthday

 I can't believe she is three. Time goes to fast. I am glad she had a good day. I got up and went grocery shopping and then mowed the la...