Saturday, July 15, 2017


Today was good, we played and picked peas this morning.  The kids love them and we got more than I was thinking.  The raspberrys are on also and we have been picking them slowly.  After luck we went grocery shopping which is good.  I fell asleep watching Thomas which was nice.  Jenn's daughter got married today so we went to the reception this evening.  We told the kids if they were good we would do the rocket afterwards.  We called Randy and went to the park by his house with them.  We got the b and c rockets this time which are bigger.  We did the B first and it was fun and then did the C, it went so high and then the wind took it and we never saw it again.  Randy got his bike and rode around and me and Isaac walked but we didn't find it.  We played at the park for a while, it had cooled down and was nice.  Everyone have a nice Sunday.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...