Monday, December 21, 2009

back in America

Rachel I love the slide show. WOW you are amazing with that. It is wonderful. Karen I am sorry I haven't been very good at the clip board of fun. Everyone keeps changing plans faster than I can keep up with. I am sure we are going to have one great time. Just not easy to plan. Robin said we are for sure back in America. I went to Lee's to get groceries and I drove two parking rows over the Cold Stone to get her birthday cake. I walked a hundred miles last week in Canada and today I couldn't walk across a parking lot. It is amazing how fast you slip back into not walking. Work was crazy but I am trying to keep up. I hope I can keep it all together. It is going to be close. Dad made it safe to SLC. It is hard to get back to the real world after having so much fun playing. LOVE MOM

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