Monday, February 8, 2010

Safe and Sound

We made it safe and sound to SLC. Thanks Robin for meeting us in Brigham City. We forgot dad's pills. Dad took me to Tepanyki tonight for dinner. It was really good. Rachel your quilt is amazing. I am so proud of you. You did it. The wedding ring quilt. I just love it. When I come to Clifton you will have to take it out of it's safe place and show me it. Karen did the other network work? I can't believe how rude they were to you. Customer Service hung up on her. I think coming in on Wednesday night will work just fine. I forgot to get Neil to watch the birds for us. I don't think we will be gone that long. Sorry about that one. Dad's doctor's appointment went well. It boils down to he can either have the blasion surgery or take the pills the rest of his life. We are going to research it and see which is best. Right now we are just going to do the pills. It isn't something we have to decide right this minute. We can do it anytime. Grandma seems to be holding up good. Angela is spending the night tonight. Julie and Jeff got all the arrangements done today for the graveside service. Ithought that was so nice of them. Casey is still at work. Have a great night LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...