Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The missing blogger

Sorry I haven't written the last couple of nights. I totally spaced it off. I got busy collecting horses on farmville one night and that was all she wrote. Then last night we went to bed early and it threw off my whole routine. I got the cranberry salad going tonight. I will need to finish it tomorrow. THen I made stuffing and thanksgiving is ready to go. I got some paper plates and cups so when we graze we won't have to do dishes. Linda called and she is game for either morning or evening. She said she would even do both. Let the shopping begin. I am so excited for this holiday. It will be nice for us all to be together. My favortie thing. I love you guys. Drive carefuly Robin and Karen. We will leave when Karen gets to SLC, that should be around 7. LOVE MOM

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