Monday, December 26, 2022


I had today off because of Christmas. It was nice. We woke up and played with toys. We needed paper plates and cups for Jeramys cousins funeral. So I ran to Costco and pick them up with Luna. She is wild and is getting stronger so it's hard to keep her contained. Then when we got back Jeramy and Luna took a nap. I took down Christmas stuff. Then mom and dad stopped by to drop off the trampoline. Thanks again. Jeramy said the funeral was at 3 but as we were driving remembered it was 2:30 so we called his sister and it was actually at 4. So we were in Provo early. We picked up his mom and on the way to the church, his other sister called and her right arm was numb and hurt to lift up. Since everyone was going to the funeral, no one wanted to take her to the hospital. So I took her since I am the one least connected. Jeramy kept Luna so his family could meet her. The er took forever so Jeramy stopped by with Luna and traded me. She  ran up and down the hospital. She needed more scans and was going to be there through the night. So we repicked up his mom to sit with his sister and we got home around 8. It was a wild night. 


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