Sunday, June 10, 2012


Today was good.  Isaac slept well last night, I had a hard time falling asleep but it was a good night.  We made it to nursery again.  I just gave him his nap at 12 and he woke up at 2.  It was perfect.  He did good, he wasn't as shy.  He did cry when he wanted more fruit snacks.  I am not sure how to handle it.  At home he is take it or leave it with the fruit snacks and there it is life or death if he doesn't have them.  They are having the nursery sing with the primary for fathers day.  I think that they are to little to do that.  Most of the kids are three so they are all older.  Casey made it back safety and put Isaac to bed.  I am organizing my fabric, it has been fun to go through it all and see what I have.  Not much else to report.  I am really liking the book I am reading Gone Girl.  Also I found a cute car fabric book panel that Mom bought me.  I am going to make that this week.  It is really cute and it will be fast.  I feel bad I haven't made it yet.  One more thing, I wore my new shirt today and it fit really well, I really like it.  Thank you.  It is bright and summery.


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