Thursday, December 4, 2014

Sew like the wind

Robin, I am so glad you got your sewing machine.  You are going to make awesome things with that.  Rachel, I love the pictures, we did have a good time yesterday.  Thanks for driving down.  It was hard getting back into the real world.  Dad is going to take my car in tomorrow and get a new windshield.  I am excited about that one.  I am going to Kamas this weekend and help Karen decorate.  I am way excited about that one.  Oliver's present came in the mail today.  I hope it will help him like to come down to see us.  I talked with Robin tonight and she said that having Isaac's birthday on the 20th would work for her and then having her birthday party on the 23rd in the evening would be fun.  We can go to dinner and she thought going to the zoo lights would be really fun.  I was excited about that plan.  Well Robin sew like the wind.  We will let you know what class we are taking and you can take it with us if possible and learn how to sew.  Karen's internet is broken and they are coming tomorrow to fix it.  She might not blog tonight.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...