Saturday, November 30, 2019

quiet day

I sure had a wonderful Thanksgiving as well.  We are so blessed.  I am glad you got to go sledding.  That is fun.  I slept in and dad went to work for a little while.  I cleaned housed and then he came home.  He has a cough so hopefully it won't get too bad.  We went to Sam's and got a heater for the living room.  It really helps and I think it will be good for us.  We had left overs for dinner and it tasted so good.  I did clean off all the snow off my car and moved it from under the pine tree to get sun on it.  We took it to Sam's and there was no snow on it so I felt good about that one.  It was buried alive.  Everyone enjoy one more day of the long weekend.  I can't believe that tomorrow is December.  Time always goes too fast for me.  I went through all my prizes we got shopping and I really did good.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...