Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Sun not son

Sorry I didn't blog I fell asleep early. But Karen 5 will be great I work till 4:30 so anytime after that. I was going to drive home and have Walter pick me up. I don't know what sounds good for dinner. I know Walter likes Chinese buffet or panda whatever is good. So Monday I stayed up late because Walter needed a tunic made and on it there is a sun patch. So yesterday I made costco steaks and I was telling him I was tired and he was asking why. I responded " well I know this cute guy that needed a sun" as reference to the sun patch on the tunic. And Walter heard. I know this cute guy that needs a son. And he asked who's this cute guy and why does he need a son. I was laughing so hard. Sun not son. It reminded me of galaxy quest. Anyway today was good just chilled. It's crazy how a few weeks can change your life but I'm glad Oliver came early. I don't think I could have waited. :) love you


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