Thursday, August 9, 2018


It was nice to get back to work.  Everyone is so supportive of me going to ATP.  It is just amazing.  We met up with Robin tonight and went to Cubby's for dinner.  It was by Pizza Studio and guess what Pizza Studio went out of business.  Tomorrow is national Smore's day.  I thought that would be an interesting fact.  We are headed up to Karen's place tomorrow night for the Kingdom Ball.  I did buy a puzzle to do on her new table.  We went out to help Julie but she was stressed so we only stayed an hour and then went goofing around.  I hope that Oliver likes his grown up material for his pillowcase.  I bought two kinds so he could decide which one he likes.  Everyone have a great weekend.  Good luck Robin on your make up.  That is neat you are doing that.  Rachel have fun camping.  I bet it will be weird not to have to prepare a lesson.  LOVE YOU GUYS MOM

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We went down to salt lake in Saturday and helped finish up the floors. Then Luna spent the night a grandmas. We came home and worked on the ...