Friday, December 9, 2022


That is really exciting that Casey woke up. I hope he's on the mend and doing ok. This morning at 4 my eye was so dry and it felt like someone stabbed me in the eye. It was watering really bad which made my nose go crazy. Driving into work it didn't stop watering and it still hurt a lot. So I dropped off Luna and went to urgent care. I thought I had pink eye so I didn't want to spread it around. He looked in my eye and I don't have pink eye. He said something probably got in it and scratched my eye. He looked and there wasn't damage to my cornia so that was good. He put numbing stuff in my eye and it made it feel better so I went to work. It still looks a bit swollen but the tears have stopped. They gave us free lunch at work which was nice then we just relaxed at night


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