Friday, February 16, 2024


 Today was nice to not have school.  I did have a training this morning in river heights.  It was ok.  We are teaching python and some of the teachers don't know so we went over some basics which I knew.  Then we went over fixes they made to programs that they found and what order to teach things in.  We were done at lunch time.  Isaac had a Valentine's party and they asked everyone to bring a snack so we went and got some at the store.  He had fun at the party.  Him and his friends do dungeons and dragons at the library and that was tonight so they all went over together.  He left the snacks up stairs at the party so they didn't get eaten, he is so funny.  Me and the little kids took Tony on a walk.  It was muddy and it kept getting into Oliver's Crocs.  We went to the library and got some new books.  I am cutting up my scraps to make a quilt.  I got a ton of scraps at my last job that I am using.  My visiting teachers came tonight and it was good to visit.  It was a nice day and fun to spend it with the kids 

Love Rachel

I forgot to put on the Valentine's pictures 

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 Luna slept over snd we had a fun time. It is weird getting use to springing ahead. Dad went to work. Robin had some shorts for Rachel. Dad ...