Friday, February 9, 2024


 We had a nice day. It was really snowy this morning so we were a little late picking up Luna. We decided to work our way home and the roads got better so we stopped at jordan landing to jump but it didn't open until noon. We came home and played and went to McDonald's for lunch. We came home and played and started to watch frozen and me and Luna fell sound asleep. When she woke up we went for a long walk and played on the slides. We headed home and were going to make spagetti for dinner but the door wouldn't open. Luckily Karen made it home right after we got back from our walk. We made spagetti and I am making it every time Luna comes over. She ate two plates. We played for awhile and then went to target. She went in the potty all day but she pooped in target. I didn't catch her in time. We were just about done. So we checked out and went to the restroom and cleaned her up. She has been so good. Rachel I hope your Friday was good. I was worried you got snowed in. Love mom

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...