Sunday, September 8, 2024


 We got up and went to church and we were all tired.  I played the piano okay today.  We rode our bikes to the park and played for a bit.  Casey took Tony with him on the bike and he did really well.  Me and Oliver rode the long way home and it felt so nice.  Casey and Isaac cooked the rest of the day.  They made black beans, noddle soup and sushi.  We have food for all week now.  We went and visited Randy this evening.  We walked to the park and it was a pretty evening.  I made some bag this weekend.  I made a bag I have been promising Ruth but she hates it and it isn't the way she wanted.  She cried a lot about it.  I put embroidery on the pink one and she didn't like that either but I thought it was so cute.  I wish I had put embroidery on the purple one.  I am going to put embroidery on everything now.  I started a quilt for Tiffany.  It is just taping a bunch of papers together to start with.

Love Rachel 

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