Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Stole my thunder

Karen, I was total going to blog about the new kindle. I think that Dad would love that for Christmas. I love it also. I have been thinking a lot about it today. I love my Kindle DX and I don't know that the color one would be as good for reading but it would be awesome for everything else. It is the same size as your kindle. It is very exciting, I want one really bad. I have about half of the pepper ground. I do have an embarrassing story regarding the peppers, I almost didn't say anything. We picked them all on Sunday so when Isaac was napping I worked on cutting them and Casey worked on the onions. I thought about wearing gloves but then I dismissed the idea, I just thought I would be careful. That was a big mistake. Afterwards my left hand was burning. The only think that helped was milk of magnesia, so I soaked my hand in that all night. I have been very careful to wear gloves when handing it after that. We are calling the final product Toxic Peppers. Casey says it is really spicy and I am sacred to try it. I am going to bring some down for Dad, I think that he will like it.

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