Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Hop Hop Hop

I think the Easter Bunny is going to come.  I just think Isaac doesn't have to see him.  That is a good compromise.  I am so glad you got to sew a little bit Rachel.  That is so nice to get back to a normal routine again.  Oliver and Isaac are so dang cute.  We had a really nice evening we met Karen and got food and eggs to dye.  Then we went to Walmart and got the dye and remaining food items.  Robin met up with us and we went to dinner and then Karen went home and we went to the comic store with Robin.  It was such a nice time.  Then when I got home my tax return was there.  That was the end to a perfect evening.  I am glad that Casey get to go hook up with Nate.  He wanted to do that.  We can Easter Egg Hunt and then just goof around.  I have 5 dozen eggs to dye.  Have a great Thursday.  I am excited for Easter.  LOVE MOM

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