Wednesday, May 8, 2019


Today was good I'm glad we are on the last half of the week. I snuck Jenkins some roast beef from last night and it made him so sick. When I got home he pooped 6 times and threw up once. It was a mad house. But I finally got it all cleaned up and put back together. I hope that's the last of the jenkins apocalypse. No more roast beef. Then jeramy took me to get some pens I ordered for work. They wouldn't deliver to my apt so I had to pick them up at ups. It was dumb. Then we went to joanns and I got the flower stuff I making everyone for the wedding. Hopefully they turn out cute. Then I cut out the rest of jeramy's quilt. Hopefully I can sew and finish it this weekend. I'm glad you guys had fun in logan. Love you


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 Your shed is looking really nice Robin, good job.  I am glad you finished the flooring in the spare bedroom.  That has to feel good.  Yeste...