Thursday, July 28, 2022


 We had an amazing time at the concert.  I think Josh is so amazing.  He has an amazing live voice.  We were on the very top row but it was nice because there was a place above us that the kids could walk around when they were bored.  We were all tired so we slept in this morning.  We went clothes shopping and got lunch at station park.  We went to Zupas and it was really good.  We had a good time there.  Lagoon was really really hot so we started on the water rides.  We didn't ride much else just a couple roller coasters and then we were done.  It was just too hot.  We stopped with Mom at chick fil and then came home.  I have my interview tomorrow and it should go ok.  I had a interview scheduled in the morning for a different job but I cancelled it.  It didn't seem like the best job.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...