Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Today was productive. Isaac slept in which was nice but he seems to do that when we have something to do. His appointment was at 9:30. I went a little early to get all his medical records straighten out. He is doing good and had to get two shots. He weights 27 pounds and is 31 1/2 inches long. Me and Jenn sewed this afternoon and Isaac slept the whole time, it was very nice. I am working on his truck blanket and it is a lot of fun. I am almost done with the tractors and next week I am going to work on the trucks. We went on a walk to the park when he woke up and that was nice but kind of hot. This evening we worked on the fence some more. I have all the slats on the side done and half of the front. It is looking good and feels really nice. I hope that Dad is feeling better, I am worried about him. I hope that he is resting.


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 Luna slept over snd we had a fun time. It is weird getting use to springing ahead. Dad went to work. Robin had some shorts for Rachel. Dad ...