Sunday, October 16, 2016


Thanks for the fun weekend, it was a blast.  It started raining and being windy in the middle of the night.  The Cher call this morning and said that a big branch fell off of the willow tree and knocked their power out.  So they came around 8 and had to turn our power out for an hour to fix something.  They had to drive on our lawn twice so he is going to bring a claims form tomorrow for the damages.  The white fence is broken where the gate it also.  I took the kids to church all by myself since Casey is camping.  We went to all three meeting and the kids were so wonderful.  It was such a good day.  Oliver went to his class great, his friend was their and I think that helped.  We just hung out at home the rest of the day.  The marble thing is pretty cool and the boys love it.  Casey had fun camping but was really cold.  It started snowing on them this morning and snowed all day.  They had a blast it sounds like.  Thanks again for everything and have a good week.  I hope it is drama free.


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