Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Birthday Party

It was Casey's birthday today and he had a good day.  We got him some balloons and made a cake.  He loved the fish and Isaac was so excited about it.  Randy came over after Casey got off work and we sang happy birthday.  Then we met Terry and Collin and had a early dinner at El Torjo, it tasted good and the kids ate well.  Casey had scouts tonight.  The balloons were a big hit with everyone and they loved them.  Ruthie didn't sleep well last night and the boys seemed tired today also.  I got everyone in bed on time so hopefully everyone sleeps and feels great tomorrow.  Mom, for this weekend.  I think we will come down on Thursday and spend the night at your house.  Then who ever wants to can go shooting and then do the pumpkin train that afternoon/evening and spend the night at Karen's house.  If we want to do a play we could do that Saturday night maybe.  How does that sound?


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