Tuesday, November 21, 2017


Robin that is great if you have to cut the quilt on Friday, it is a lot of work to cut this one out.  Good job on the duet cover, that is fun.  Today was busy and a good day.  I babysat this morning until lunch time and it was really nice weather so we were able to play outside which is nice.  Oliver had school this afternoon and Ruth took a good nap.  Oliver had a Thanksgiving feast and he brought smartcorn.  Him and Ruthie ate almost the whole bag after he got home.  I had young women's tonight and we did self defense, it was a lot of fun.  It was a good night.  Casey put the turkey in brine so we are getting ready.  Casey also was asked for a second interview and he is going to do that Tuesday tentatively.  The kids don't have school tomorrow so it will be a fun day and we can go slow.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...