Monday, October 28, 2019


It was a crazy day at work today.  Lehi plans were alive and well.  They are having a big meeting tomorrow and everyone was in a panic.  Rumor has it that my boss didn't get the Lehi CEO job.  I don't know if it is true.  I guess I will find out tomorrow for sure.  I have really mixed feelings about that one.  Relief and disappointment all at the same time.  We went to all a dollar tonight to get me some gloves they didn't have any so we went to Apollo burger and then Maverick and got gas and they had gloves.  Go figure that one out.  It is weird it is going to snow and be bitter cold.  It is suppose to get a lot warmer for the weekend.  Everyone be safe out there in the bad weather.  That is amazing that Oliver is loosing his teeth.  He just shouldn't be that old.  It looks like the new one is already coming in.  Those pretzels do look good.  LOVE MOM

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