Wednesday, May 26, 2021


 I messed up and have a meeting Sunday my so I was wondering if we could do Jeremy's birthday dinner Sunday or Monday.  Or we could do two your guys could go Saturday and we could meet up Sunday or Monday.  We are spending Sunday night at Karen's if that is ok.  Oliver's foot is ok.  It doesn't hurt him much and we had it wrapped up so it was protected.  He had a reading day at school so he got to bring a pillow and blanket.  Isaac was doing a Utah play where he was the president.  He brought a white shirt and tie to wear.  I walked this morning but Casey had to be at work at 7 so I hurried and walked shorter.  I died my hair and programed until the kids got up.  Exercise class was cancelled.  I was thinking about teacher gifts the other day when walking and thought to make some bowls but it was busy and I started today.  Me and Ruth needed up buying gift cards and then the kids wrote thank you notes.  I think I am going to make some bowls and save them for when I need gifts.  Me and Ruth played games on the deck and she lost and was sad.  I took a picture.  It was hot so we pick the sun shade up.  Casey and Isaac went ice skating for the boys activity day.  I was worried about Oliver's toe so the little kids stayed home and we painted.  We ordered Oliver a Zorro's hat and it came today.  Love you guys and drive safe tomorrow Mom and Dad.



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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...