Wednesday, December 27, 2023


Jeramy had to work later today because the night girl had the day off. So he had to go into work later. It kinda worked out for me though. I took out the garbage this morning and when I came back to the back door Luna shut the door and locked it. I tried to get her to unlock it be she was being silly. I finally got her to flag down Jeramy and he let me in. :/ then I took Luna to the jump zone. My tire pressure alert on my car won't go off. So I. Figured while I was off work I would get it looked at. The rim is cracked and it's not holding the tire correctly so it's leaking air. They said it was fine to drive but it's going to leak air till it's fixed. So Friday Dad is coming down to drive me around to get it fixed. I was so tired today when Luna went down for a nap I slept too. It was nice. Then we just relaxed the rest of the night since Jeramy came home around five but still had to work till 8


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