Monday, November 8, 2010

Better DAy

I had a better day today at work. They offered the job to someone and she accepted. I was glad. It is nice to see things moving forward. I have been trying to tie up loose ends and get things ready for her. I hope I leave her good instructions. It felt nice to see things work out. Dad got a new TV for the bedroom tonight and the sony google thing to go with it. He is way excited. It is nice to see him happy. Tomorrow they are having a service luncheon and I have 10 years this year so I was invited. Deb has 10 years also so we are going together. That will be nice. We haven't been to lunch for a long time. I am excited for this weekend. I haven't organized anything yet but I will before it is too late. I got the present for the babyshower ordered last night and it should be here in a couple of days. I hope. Well that is all my news. Congratulations Robin on the find. They were doing that at this Walmart also but they didn't have any eyelashes. I was there today and there wasn't anything good. Well it snowed here today. I am sure not ready to go home in the dark. That was brutal.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...