Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Well I have 3 more days and then my world really changes. I got some boys to come help me on Saturday morning. I just need the UHAUL now. It is 80 dollars more not to return it to its base. Go figure. Well other than that I am doing better. I am not so stress at work and this is helping. I got to go to the service luncheon in honor of me being at Logan Hospital for over 10 years. Can you believe that one? We went and found a flannel shirt for grandma. Grandma is really stressed about the move. She made me take down all her pictures from the top of her closet. I tried really hard to not to do that. I am afraid she is going to trip on them. Scares me. I think I was a little hard on her but it just makes me nervous to have all that stuff around. Rachel I wish I had your warmth right now. It is really cold. I am glad you guys went to the movie. Dad's TV wasn't compatible with the google TV box so he had to go take it back. He has had a long night and so far it still doesn't work. Tomorrow Shaun and Deb are taking me to lunch because Shaun can't be there for the Friday luncheon. The new girl is coming over for a couple hours tomorrow and then 1/2 day on Thursday. I am hoping it will help her get started. Have a great Hump day. Rachel you are at 33 weeks.

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...