Saturday, August 27, 2011


Well I figured that since I was making cookies for my primary class I might as well make some for work as well. So I am making a triple batch. All I have to say is that baking is not a summer activity. Oh well I am getting close to being done. I had to run to the store and get brown sugar cause mine was hard and I needed eggs also because I had hard boiled the few I had. Other that it hasn't been bad making cookies. Mom I did knead my clay dough until cool cause that was what it said in the instructions. My day has been good. I have just been running errands and making cookies. I figured i would get everything I needed to done so I can play next weekend. Robin anything sounds fun, just let me know if I need to pack my swimsuit. My doctors appointment is at 9 so I will probably be done by about 10. So i am good for what ever after that.

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