Thursday, March 16, 2017


Today was fun.  Casey watched the kids and I got some sewing done.  I was able to quilt my sampler quilt and just need to add the binding now.  I didn't know how to quilt it so I didn't do anything fancy but I like it.  Casey took the little ones to lees and got got stuff for a picnic and then when Isaac came home they picked up Randy and went up the canyon and had a picnic and hiked around.  At 3 I was watching Henry and his brother and sister so they came home and played with the kids.  Imogene and Neve came over also so we had a ton of kids.  For dinner Casey bought some brauts and I made octopus hot dogs and we had another picnic in the backyard and that was fun.  Last night we picked up a bunch of maple samplings and seed.  Tonight Casey planted them in a planter.  We want to plant them around the perimeter of the yard when they get older for privacy.  We are headed down to SLC tomorrow.  We should be done in the late afternoon.  I will text you when we leave Mom.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...