Saturday, July 29, 2017

Nice day

It was a fun day today.  Karen came down and then we went shooting.  Her rifle is sweet. We had a nice time shooting it. We then went to Costco and we called Grandma to see if she wanted to go to lunch but she was going out with Jani.  We decided to go to El Matador anyway and it tasted really good.  We walked around home to home and Karen got a really nice basket to put her blankets in.  It was really nice.  We took naps and printed pictures on the sprocket.  That is fun.  I can take pictures off the blog and print them.  Karen bought Kong and it is on Vudoo.  We started watching it but haven't finished it yet.  We got the part for the car today also.  Rachel is it OK if we come up in the afternoon to have Casey help us put it in?  If not we can do it another time.  Have a wonderful Sunday.  Robin, that is fun that you got to cook for Steve.  Rachel, I hope you had fun in Pocatello.  LOVE MOM

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 Your shed is looking really nice Robin, good job.  I am glad you finished the flooring in the spare bedroom.  That has to feel good.  Yeste...