Monday, July 24, 2017

Nice holiday

Thanks all of you for the really nice holiday.  I had a wonderful time.  It always goes way to fast.  Karen, I am glad you made it through work.  I am back to the grind tomorrow.  We went birthday shopping for Rachel this morning and then we went to pizza for lunch.  Everyone parted ways and we went out to see Deena and Craig and kids. It was nice to visit.  Rachel Deena loves your bag and wants one.  She said if you sent you a couple she would sell them for you.  We helped Jani straighted up.  It wasn't hard work and it looked better when we left.  I guess they are putting the house up for sale tomorrow.  The hardwood floors look really good.  Everyone have a great Tuesday.  It is suppose to be rainy.  I am glad that Stanley was good.  LOVE MOM

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 Luna slept over snd we had a fun time. It is weird getting use to springing ahead. Dad went to work. Robin had some shorts for Rachel. Dad ...