Friday, July 28, 2017


Today was good.  The kids were so excited to go swimming and were happy.  We got their a couple minutes before it opened so we were able to get great seats right next to the snow cone place.  It made it a lot easier for me.  It was hot when we got their but then a storm was blowing by so it was windy and that made it cold.  We stayed for two and half hours so it must not have been too bad.  We got nachos and snow cones, the kids loved it.  Ruthie and Oliver fell asleep when we got home so me and Isaac played.  Isaac's plane was broken by Ruthie yesterday so when Casey came home they went and got a new one.  When the kids woke up we got black pearl to go and at it at the park and played for a while.  It was really nice outside and we had fun.  We are headed to see Casey's grandma tomorrow and we are stopping by Calleen's to pick up the trailer.  Oliver has asked about it every day, he really misses the trailer.  


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 Luna slept over snd we had a fun time. It is weird getting use to springing ahead. Dad went to work. Robin had some shorts for Rachel. Dad ...