Tuesday, July 25, 2017


The kids are on a messed up schedule.  Ruthie and Isaac slept in till 11.  Oliver was up at 8 and he is so cute in the mornings, he helps me out and is happy.  The garden is out of control so I did a lot of weeding this morning and afternoon, it was cooler today so that was nice.  I picked all the beans, they were a little over grown but that is ok.  My arms are sore now.  After lunch we wanted to go to the splash pad but the nice one wasn't working so we went to another one and the kids had a fun time.  We had beans and Casey made fried chicken for dinner and it tasted really good.  After dinner Casey made Stanley a new pen, he keeps escaping and the cats can get him in his old one.  He is almost done, he just needs to put a roof on.  Thanks for the fun weekend, it was perfect.  All three kids are going to the dentist tomorrow, I hope that it goes ok.


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 Luna slept over snd we had a fun time. It is weird getting use to springing ahead. Dad went to work. Robin had some shorts for Rachel. Dad ...